Body Psychotherapy and Psychomotor Physiotherapy
Do you feel at crossroads in your life, or perhaps out of your depths energetically and/or emotionally?
Do you feel that your physical and/or psychological well-being is being compromised?
Are you suffering from permanent heightened stress levels in your body, unresolved emotional issues, or medically unexplained chronic pain?
If so, then perhaps I can help you claim back control of your physical & emotional wellbeing:
- Re-Connect to your emotional self
- Re-Empower your energetic life force and balance
- Re-Align your inner strength with your outer self
“How we hold ourselves reveals something of how we stand in the world, how we feel and who we are.”
David Boadella
Your Body Your Story
Everything that happens to us in life is reflected in our bodies, and our body can also become the gateway to unlocking our deep-seated emotions.
“We are all traumatised creatures,” announced Dr. Bessel van der Kolk at the Breath of Life Conference in 2017. “Every traumatic experience will leave imprints in your brain and body, which will make you act uncontrollably at some stage in your life.”
What is Body Psychotherapy (BP)?
Body Psychotherapy is an umbrella term representing psychotherapies that recognise the complex interactions between mind and body as a vital part of the therapeutic process and of comprehending the mind. It is concerned with how an individual’s body and the emotional, mental, spiritual, and social/relational aspects of their life affect each other.
“The ego is first and foremost a bodily ego.” Sigmund Freud
The underlying hypothesis of my work is that your body holds your story, and that your posture speaks for your mind; be it in your movements, your breathing, or your muscle consistency.
I believe that, as human beings, we are in constant emergence, and we are vitalised and moved by our own life force. It is the free and unimpeded streaming of this life energy that I endeavour to promote, in order to re-establish a healthy tonus throughout the body, bringing clarity of mind, and restoring a natural inner equilibrium, the basis of health.
I believe that every emotional or psychological malaise has a somatic base (i.e., is embodied) and that we may trust in the basic ability of the human organism to self-regulate and heal itself.
“My body is my temple.”
Gerda Boyesen
Biodynamic Body Psychotherapy emphasises the interrelation between the client’s psychological & physiological processes. This approach encourages the client’s repressed vitality to come to the surface and be reintegrated. This describes a trajectory of self-actualisation – a founding principal of Humanistic Psychology.
“Expansion and joy are part of the birthright of humanity; they are native feelings that can soar from emotional health.”
John Pierrakos
How does it work? Or rather how can we make it work together?
One diagnosis will have several components. Diagnosis such as myalgia, tendinitis, arthritis or lumbago may hide a multitude of different issues. Symptoms related to the muscular-skeletal system are open to many interpretations, as are anxiety disorders, depression, respiratory disease or medically unexplained symptoms including eczema, chronic pain or chronic fatigue.
Starting Point
We will start by getting to know each other, followed by together evaluating local complaints and their symptoms, in relation to the body’s total balance and the stresses and strains it is subjected to.
It is only when we realise that the body and the emotions, psyche & soma, are mutually dependent on one another, that treatment becomes more than just a short-term reduction of symptoms.
Starting Point
We will start by getting to know each other, followed by together evaluating local complaints and their symptoms, in relation to the body’s total balance and the stresses and strains it is subjected to.
It is only when we realise that the body and the emotions, psyche & soma, are mutually dependent on one another, that treatment becomes more than just a short-term reduction of symptoms.
Range of Symptoms
Anxiety and Stress
unresolved emotional trauma
Eating Disorders
Body Image disorders
medically unexplained symptoms
Chronic pain
Reach me
(+44) 7771-660618
Send me an email
My Therapeutic space
London W11, Luxembourg